Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All Things Work Together, For the Good

Wow! Yesterday, was just a long day.  I felt a bit stressed.  However, I failed to realized that when things dont turn out your way, its just because all things are working for your favor.  I realized that my ways, arent always the best ways. That is why I have to trust and depend on God.  Today, I sat here and I thought about my weight.  I realized that as a lady, I have to want the best for myself.  That means wanting myself to be in the best shape of my life.  I want it not only for myself, but for my family.  I have to care about myself enough, to stop my negative habits( such as eating late).  I have to love myself enough, to take that extra step.  The problem is, Im just learning to love myself(truly).  So I hope the next weigh in, is as good as the one before.  Good night, God Bless you always

P.S.  Also, Lexi you need to help me fix my page. I am technologically challenged. Ill be home next week March 30th, we should meet later on that week. Have lunch.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Linda. I want to lose weight because this isn't me at my best. Yes, let's meet up!
