Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I have spent the past twenty-four hours exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!! I just took a calculus exam today, and two exams tomorrow: physics and chemistry.  How can I keep healthy when, I never get sleep. Last night I had a Monster Hitman Energy Shooter.  I know they are terrible, but for real, it hit  me like crack!  I had just enough energy to get through the night, and study for my exam.  I think I will take another one tonight. (I'll have to sneak one, cause my roomate will kill me if she sees me drinking that, ITS FORBIDDEN!!!!)  Lately, I have been learning to persevere.  I have come to the realization the primary reason I quit all the time, is because I never want to persevere. When things get to tough, I quit, and make up a lame excuse. I blame everything and everyone, but myself.  I have to learn how to be committed, and press my way through to the end.  In all of lifes situaitons, those whom are dilligent will be rewarded.  A fool, just gives up.  Changing my character one step at a time, perseverance is a priority.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All Things Work Together, For the Good

Wow! Yesterday, was just a long day.  I felt a bit stressed.  However, I failed to realized that when things dont turn out your way, its just because all things are working for your favor.  I realized that my ways, arent always the best ways. That is why I have to trust and depend on God.  Today, I sat here and I thought about my weight.  I realized that as a lady, I have to want the best for myself.  That means wanting myself to be in the best shape of my life.  I want it not only for myself, but for my family.  I have to care about myself enough, to stop my negative habits( such as eating late).  I have to love myself enough, to take that extra step.  The problem is, Im just learning to love myself(truly).  So I hope the next weigh in, is as good as the one before.  Good night, God Bless you always

P.S.  Also, Lexi you need to help me fix my page. I am technologically challenged. Ill be home next week March 30th, we should meet later on that week. Have lunch.

Monday, March 22, 2010

He's Able

OMG!!! I broke my blogging vow. I was supposed to blog everyday for a month, and I definitely forgot to blog yesterday. I am trying though, so I guess I can give myself a pat on the back.  Well, good news today, I lost 4 pounds from last week.  I am so happy. I now weigh 262 lbs. I am very happy, and grateful. I just want to tell the Lord thank you, for constantly sending motivation my way throughout the week.  I was hoping, that when I did my weigh in, that I would just lose one pound.  However, I lost a whopping, four pounds!!!!!!! Oh, the excitement. I just finished my homework on time, and I have a job interview tomorrow.  God is just so good in my life.....Amen....Now all I need is to pass my three exams this week...Is anyone good with physics? lol God Bless

Life Lesson Learned Today: Worship, God in all your circumstances. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all else. He will never leave nor forsake you.  Good Night.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Q&A session

I thought, that I would thoroughly blog today.  Buf I just have one question( to anyone that is reading ), When it comes to weight-loss, where does your motivation come from? What is the drive that keeps you going ?

Friday, March 19, 2010


I am ashamed. I cheated on my weight loss plan. Today, I snuck in some cake and a turkey burger.  Oh the madness....That is all I have to say......(Head hanging low, sighing)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Take Care of the Spirit Before the Body

Gospel recording artist CeCe Winans said it best, "In the morning, in the noon day, in the evening, Oh Lord you're beautiful." Beginning from last night, I had been feeling such a heaviness.  I could pinpoint a variety of different things that have caused such a feeling within me.  However, I know for a fact, it wasn't my weight that was weighing me down.  It was my spirit.  People, the #1 key to a healthier life is sustaining a healthy spirit.  I realized that if I was going to accomplish my goals, then I would have to change the way I percieve myself, my life, and have a positive outlook on everything. I looking in the glossary of my bible today, and I came across the word "spirit". The definition was, "...that part of a man that survives death".  No matter what, our spirit can survive anything this world throws at us.  So then why do we others and ourselves, try to kill our spirit? There is a gospel song by Shekinah Glory Ministry, that says....."Sometimes you have to encourage yourself....".  At times, when we feel down, and discouraged we cannot wait for someone else to come along as sing our praises.  Sometimes, we have to speak over ourselves.  When you speak over yourself, speak only positive things.   For the tounge holds, so much power.  As the saying goes, "Death and life is in the power of the tounge."  I had just come back from a prayer walk, and as we were walking not only did I feel better physically, but I felt fulfilled spiritually.  Alot of time we burn ourselves out thinking about the woes of the day, week, or even the woes of tomorrow.  Everyday, we all need to regroup and get in touch with our spiritual beings. Pray, meditate, and just reflect. You can be at your desired weight, and never feel happy because your spirit is not happy.  Matthew 26: 41 says,"...the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."  Whenever our flesh gets weak, and we feel like giving up, just tap into your spirit, and there you will find strength.  So, I just hope and pray that we all take care of ourselves, by first doing some soul searching and taking care of our spirits.
God Bless You All

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Let me, first start off by saying thank you to everyone that has checked out my blog. Ladies I appreciate the support, and are the best!!!!!! So, my roomate and I watch the food network all the time. OMG!!!!! So much food, so many things to cook, so much weight to lose. They need to have a healthy eating segment. I love Paula Deen, and the Neelys, but the food can give me a clogged artery. Here and there, you see them cook with EVOO, and grill instead of fry, but OMG, all I can do now is think about food. FOOD, FOOD, FOOD!!!(LOL, my roomate is talking to me about uno's) However, I can say, that I have the ultimate support system. My roomate is always around, when I am about to break my diet, and order chinese food. She was around this afternoon, when I was about to have a second helping of food, although I was full. My eyes are always playing tricks on me. Watching the Food Network, is not helping me at the least bit. Most mornings, I miss breakfast. I had an apple, a chicken patty, fish nuggets, french fries, chicken, carrots, and cabbage. Looking at that it seems like I ordered catering for dinner. No, it really is not alot. I guess its just the fat content in them...Lord, I need help!!!! Fast.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good night, God Bless

P.S. Oh, the life lesson that I learned that God's promises are always guaranteed, and please, please, try not to judge a book by its cover.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Long Day

Okay, so I need to work on time management. I think my post would be better if I had a bit more time during the day...These past couple of days, have been interesting and insightful. One thing I can say, is that being a true lady, is not easy. Most ladies can and will agree with me. Today, I did not have much time to eat or do anything. As soon as I woke up this morning, I was on the run. I didnt have much time for anything. However, but I did have time to sneak in a chat with some of the most respected ladies on my college campus. From this talk, I realized that I have not been living for myself. I have been altering my life to fit around the lives of people that I have never even met. I came to the realization, I need to live for myself, and live according to the Lord's plan. Being that this is a weight-loss blog, let me sneak in my menu for the day. I had a pb&j sandwich on white bread, and some pasta with tomato sauce. That is it friends, nothing special. Also, I am still a bit hungry. Just ate enough food to survive.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Keeping My Word- Lady of Integrity

Well, I said that I would blog every single day for a here I am. I dont have much to say, but I saw my nutritionist today. OH THE HORROR!!!! I was in denial about my bad habits, but the scales never lie. I have reached a whopping 266 lbs. It hurts me to even say this. When did I ever get to this place. It seemed like yesterday, I was telling myself, I wont go past 200 lbs, and 230 lbs. I am tall, but I cant keep hurting myself like this. I feel like crying, screaming, kicking....but then at the end of the day, I have to wipe my eyes and begin making changes. I guess thats part of growing up. Well till tomorrow....... God Bless
Well, hello everyone, if there is anyone out there reading this blog. I highly doubt it. I finally found the ounce of motivation I needed to write my first post. This blog was supposed to be an inspirational weight loss journey, along with my friend of 8 years, Alexia. (Be sure to check out her blog on I was to blog everyday,about what I ate, how being overweight made me feel, yada yada yada etc. In other words, this was intended to be another version of a Dr. Ian Smith session. To be honest, quite frankly, I wasnt in the mood for sharing my feelings, and I didnt care about my weight enough to change it.

I recently finished watching Julie & Julia, and the Perfect Man featuring Hillary Duff. In both movies, these ladies used their blogs as just something to do. However, in the end, they not only understood the lives of others around them, but they began to understand who they were as women. Im going to be honest, I still dont have a full sense of who I am as a person. Im not really sure where my passion lies. I know I want to become an extraordinary doctor. However, I cant help but wonder if that would be enough, to keep me fulfilled for the rest of my life. Well, there is only one way to find out. Before change the health of another, I have to start with myself.

Honestly speaking, besides education, I have never fully followed-through on anything in my life. I feel that this would be the perfect place to start. Im setting up a small goal of one month of blogging everyday. I feel that if Im going to discover who I really am, I might as well do it with a healthy body, and hopefully healthier spirit.